La agrupación de Entities a través de un comuniado en su cuenta de Facebook dió a conocer a sus fans que debido a algunos inconvenientes, su nuevo álbum Novalis verá la luz hasta el 2 de Enero del próximo año (¡qué lejos suena!). El disco pretendía ser lanzado el 23 de este mes, pero prefirieron pulirlo para dar un material de excelente calidad. Pidiendo perdón a los fans, los animaron a que esperaran un poco más para disfrutar de su música. He aquí la nota oficial:
In the last couple of days it has unfortunately come to our attention that our full length album, NOVALIS which was slated for a DEC 23rd release date will now be cancelled and pushed back to a later release date. Due to several technical issues and poor planning, we need to give ourselves more time to polish and make adjustments to the album before it can be released to you all. We know that the wait for this album has been a long one (for both the band and you guys), however if you can bear with us just a while longer, the wait will be worth it (we promise)! We are in the final stages of mixing and mastering, however need more time to work all of the kinks out before we can give you guys a final product.
As of now, the release date for NOVALIS will be JANUARY 2ND, 2015. We are all very sorry for making you wait and hope to make it up by releasing another high quality record!
Thank you for your patience!