Después de haber hecho un gran trabajo con el cover de 'My Plague' de Slipknot, In Dying Arms ha anunciado que re-lanzarán su LP debút 'In Dying Arms', con temas antológicos de la banda como 'Murder I Wrote', 'May I Have This Dance' o 'The Weight Of Regret'. La banda ha aclarado de antemano que no se trata sólo de un re-lanzamiento o de un re-master, si no que todos los tracks han sido grabados en su totalidad, tanto vocal como instrumetalmente y que habrá un tema extra con invitados especiales.
It's finally time!
We have been keeping quiet about this for a good deal of time.
We have completely re-tracked from front to back, our self-titled record. This record is one that presented a lot of opportunities for the band and what most of you know us for. We have been seeing you guys request a re make for a while. We said fuck it, let's do something cool for the fans.
Everything from the vocals to the instrumentation is re tracked 100%.
And we are happy to show you the new album cover for the recreation of self-titled. Get stoked, we are finishing final mixes as we speak ;)
We are also including a brand new original track with a special guest feature \mm/