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junio 08, 2014

Entrevista / Interview: Dharth

Es emocionante encontrarse con personalidades con una visión única y bien enfocada en querer dejar su marca en la música. Este es el caso de Dharth, un chico californiano que apenas está dándose a conocer, colocándose en el sonido brutal, "groovero", progresivo y "djentero", parecido al que manejan bandas como: Vildhjarta, Humanity's Last Breath, Akeldama, entre otras. Platiqué un poco con él y en verdad es bastante interesante, por lo que decidí darle un espacio aquí para que lo conocieran.

It's exciting to know personalities with an unique and well-focused sight in wanting to leave their spot in music. This is Dharth's case, a californian guy that it's just starting, fitting in the brutal sound, "groovy", progressive and "djently", resembling bands such as: Vildhjarta, Humanity's Last Breath, Akeldama, and some others. I had a little chat with him and it's really interesting, so I decided to give him a space here for you to know him.

Who are you and what do you do?
Very blunt question, I am the individual debuting djent artist dharth, responsible for the writing, recording, mixing, editing, mastering, promoting an producing of all music by dharth.

When did you listen Djent for the first time and how did it affect your musical interests?
Looking back remembering my pre discovery of djent was a time of endless revolving cycles of musical failures , constant breaking up of bands and the continuing down spiraling of motivation which affected my life very badly. During this period of my life i was very dependent on others for motivation. My realization of knowing I would be alone with just my guitar an amp for the rest of my life was overkill to my hope of ever getting back into music, it felt like my soul suddenly decayed into dust drying every last vein running through my body to dust with no reason to even play my guitar i knew music was no longer something i could be apart of. slowly weeks passed an time felt still more so than ever before. One day something happened while sitting on my balcony in late afternoon wondering what was to become of me, I suddenly received a phone call from someone whom id not spoken to for many months. I wont expose his real name but , to my surprise 'Plaguis' was calling me , someone who i played guitar with my entire life who quickly became my closest friend through music that i would ever know. Plaguis revealed over the phone he had discovered a new sound , a new genre of metal not yet recognized with violent complex rhythm guitars tuned lower on newly different seven strings used to provide greater range. Something about this pulled me in so i allowed him entry to my compound and He opened up his tablet going to youtube, he than typed in each letter of the bands name , click , click , click , not knowing what to expect , waiting in suspense, suddenly the search bar spelled a mysteriously named band 'Vildhjarta'. he turned the tablets volume up an song called 'traces' begin to play , the opening guitar riffs were powerful and complex , having a fast paced rhythm which almost was impossible at the time to even differentiate where and when it stopped or started i knew music would never be the same. this sound paused time signatures , it held an extra second than continuing like thick metal wires snapping off a bridge. only realizing the rush of thoughts, everything about the sound was very unknown which fascinated me beyond explanation. finally something revived my hidden musical inspiration which i hadn't been able to reach or affect in many years. i knew this new format , this newly type of sound was going to change the world an impact hundreds of thousands of lives like a virus finding endless amounts of open wounds and flesh. life and the question of what was i to do was had been answered. I swore that i would take this newly developed sound an put every effort into learning it. Thinking to myself, finally i can dream again.

How did you come up with the name "dharth"? What meaning does it have?
The opposite ideologies good and evil in what ever situation influences my thought, motive, intent, inspiration, circumstance, explanation, reasoning an is a personal obsession of mine for multiple reasons which affects my music when simply thinking or relating anything to the conflicting ideological entities. Darth represents those who _use the dark side 'sith', the sith are antagonists , enemies of good and are dedicated to the philosophy and mastering of the dark side which are powers of evil. The Sith use the title darth before their sith name representing those who use the dark side , using passion and violence with unrelenting powers of evil to those in opposition of there intent. I always drew towards evil things in an outside my music so i knew that i would be doing djent all alone accepting the circumstance an i realizing few other artists were developing names for there music. i chose the name 'dharth' adding a silent h after the first letter d of dharth , I selected this title for what it meant an its identical relation to who i am as a person. For example to display the fun i could have with myself, dharth the antagonist to musical force in opposition to everything enjoyed watch through passion and violence my detuned 8 string lies in drop C)# 9 steps down fuck your detuned instrument, you lack emotional sentiment, i will break your hope with my laughter and remove you as a friend leading a jihad of mass unlikes upon your page...... see i have fun with it.

What direction will you take your music in your next release? Will it be similar to "Murder You, To End My Endless Misery"?
I released "Murder You, To End My Endless Misery" with the intent of creating an album which was influenced by 'the old guard' which 'the old guard' wrote there music with the intent of taking metal / djent deeper, further, darker and beyond what was an what is , during there time only a short time ago. The old guard realized when djent first was developing that it could be taken to depths lower, eviler, darker, more complexed and could have expanded rhythms with awkward grooves patterned differently almost invoking fear into the listener by taking metal at the time far beyond anything yet created, crafted or classified in the musical archives of societies to date. I follow in the same direction as far as ideology , because Its slurring hiss whispers to me during hours of late , bringing me influence an the will to influence an impact future generations. This 'guard' of old i refer to is....Vildjharta, Thall had emerged from the shadows of nothing.' revealed long ago an now acceded in most violent manor Thall had awoken an entirely with different a sound far greater than other djent styles , formats an types. Thall surpassed the common and average stereotype of what dient had built itself to be, though with non others similar , they built this particular style which they took in from what had influenced them an created something entirely different. which is the most successful an innovative way to write an be something that has not been , to take your influence an to make it your own with your own intent , direction an belief of what should an shouldn't, as i see it , So , when my Release "Murder You, To End My Endless Misery" came out 5/11/14 i already knew my style wouldn't be fully developed into the sound i wanted to have fully completed and created , though one day i knew it would be but not for my first release. adding a piano with severe reverb an big haunting vibes to the sound, i feel the piano is a very dark instrument an i only have exciting new ideas for my next release, another thing i brought into my sound was detuned cathedral bells an synth's that were detuned resembling virus infected worms feeding off of positive energies of mass religious gatherings sort of sound.... but to facts , ItDjents Facebook page with over 33000 followers posted my release to my surprise an i was very pleased with the reaction of the listeners , with 80% of the 57 comments simply saying ' Thall ' which is all i needed to see , it was my dream come reality an i am forever grateful for ItDjents for posting my release. it made me allow myself to have a small bit of personal success because my main influence is only Thall , so when ItDjents posts my release saying " fans of vildhjarta and Humanity's Last Breath will definitely enjoy the new release from dharth! - VB" i can feel content with myself for a small moment than instantly getting back to the obsession of how will i sound greater than these bands , how will i take it further? an the echoes in my head never ending until i answer myself, taking Thall an driving it further than ever known..., lower darker eviler, bringing in elements of unknown carefully an slowly. sounding cursed open drop C# Tune'd 9 steps down , broken fast hung notes high bends past the 12 fret oriented in filth covered harmonics with chop'd open burst of painful low C# galloping patterns with bass consuming hip hop artist's deepest beats, time changes , again , stop, stop , hung for an extra uneven signature of time , carefully written above before between under an over, like a serpent stalking your movement in dance of sway left to right.... that is the only thing i can tell you about my intent of taking these two bands of "the old guard" an creating this younger more Sinister sound solely an only influenced from thall...known as ' Flakk'd ' taking the direction beyond Thall into "Flakk'd" in my view is based off a style an way of more than just sound or style , but there are so many styles of djent an very few bands actually understand Thall which is only 1 of 20 different styles of djent in my opinion Vildhjarta is responsible for giving birth to such entity but Humanity's Last Breathe grasped it an took it further than Vildjharta by going lower,darker, heavier putting all music claiming heavy into valid danger of loosing its meaning. i realized this , an wanted to have a sound that i thought would bring a new momentum to what was already created an giving.

When will your next release be released?
With in the next few months , my goal is for this next release to be what will define my sound , style an recognition which will be greater than substantially "Murder You, To End My Endless Misery".

Do you really think djent has a future in the music industry?
Djent is the music industry look around you , your looking at a web page , every kid,adolescent,man,woman an child, with an internet 6 7 or 8 string or not is plugged in to everything the world has developed into period.

Who are your greatest influences and how they affect your music and influence your sound?
Thall is my influence of life period but i Like other djent as well , Humanity's Last Breath is my biggest influence, Vildhjarta obviously, Disigma is a newly impacting influence which is really cool because Josh is part of my generation which is really cool because i just hired Josh to assistant Admin a group with me called _'under-'ground_djent'-studios'_ an being able to do that is a dream come true Disigma is one of the bands which will be influencing future generations and will always influence my music. Old an new Shades Of Black friend Matt Zuleger's project, Reg3n is one of my first influences ever who now is a good friend of mine, Recalabrator shout out to Brian Colorado Recalabrators vocalist, Return We Here The Larks Jak Nobles old project who quit an left to make house music or something ,Thessa is a lot more mellow an more alternative sounding than my typical crowd , he has this very interesting french alternative feel he brings with beautiful programming, Tesseract is on my list for there dark melodic style an of course being one of the founders of it all, The Dawn Is Your Enemy is upcoming newly innovative sound an needs way more attention from the public , Devoted To Your Monuments is another upcoming band from Austria who Terror shit up and also have an album coming out in June and these guys are apart of my generation as well, and young dudes with tons of motivation , an lastly but not at all least , let us not forget all of these fucking russians coming out of no where with this insane new innovative russian style djent. the russians have a lot of revolutionary innovative sound screaming an blowing out of the motherland which is really changing music with no signs of relent. all the russians have internet connection now which never before and look what happens, the world has to deal with russian fools shredding harder than any American kids and kids from Europe now that Putin approved internet this massive landmass is apart of our online world more so than ever before with the youth connected realizing whats going on just as much as any other person from anywhere else in the world. I try to add all the russian guys as friends on Facebook who are killing it. Some accept my request others wish they would have. I ask them weird questions all the time , for example like my good homie Sergey Oficerov from Sequence of discord, which is a major influence of mine but il message Sergey by going to google translator an translating my message from english to russian than copying my newly created russian paragraphs into the chat window now asking Sergey in russian " есть хорошие препараты в России? " are the drugs good in russia? also asking in russian through my google translator 'являются женщины вниз на вечеринку? " are the woman down to party... ? Sergey responded in russian "Крокодил; хорошо ноги гниют"' the krokodil is good an the feet are rotting. anyways sorry back to the influences russian djent has on my music.... i got distracted i apologize... but Sequence Of Discord is one of my favorites even know broken up into what is now The Jackals and Shokran, both big russian bands i love listening to but Shokran is fucking killing it being the biggest sound and band out of Russia with there last release Supreme Truth really being one of the best releases this year ,The Jackals smaller band but really talented, Artifact Implication im not sure if there around still or what happened the them but there really talented players, its all such an amazing sound coming out of that area in djent right now , an the big picture to the world is all connected an i feel we all are apart of the same community with various different factions here or there but the whole community of djent an now evolved an become something so big an great in my view , djent is the future of music entirely , djent is not even metal its every thing all in one with its separate styles an category , with our community being the most connected largest almost utopia formulated bubble we are in , music has never been more connected on such a large scale to anything remotely close to what we are , sure the mainstream music has more people on there likes an more advertisement on there websites... but we are growing in popularity every single minute an we have basically if committed an a serious active member apart an involved in djent seriously you know who is who an who everyone of everyone which is this very special thing that never has existed in previous generations ... amazing , truly amazing..... this music is a way of life for so many of us , an everyone is connected an its truly an amazing thing to be able to find your hero through Facebook an be that annoying fan asking him how his day went, people have to remember that there is nothing that lasts forever an I'm so lucky to even be able to have this interview and spend 4 hours typing it , while people read this all over the world with the simple click of a button , this is our world an fuck anyone who tells you to wake up an stop dreaming , do what ever u want to do , i chose to follow them an never stop , don't be scared of anything and just because our community is highly based off are computer doesn't mean were not together all standing united.

Do you ever have days were you want to give up an just quit?
Yes, when certain things happen , i am my number one enemy an i get really down on myself for not being as good as , or sounding not like this , wanting more an being disappointed in myself or il get upset at something, i will want to quit an tell myself how much i have failed in life an basically murder my emotional and mental infrastructure to the point where i just want to die , no bullshit… than i do some shit to change that , an its all better , but also i have to accept I'm not perfect an keep moving forward an realize i do music because its what makes you happy know not everything is easy or happens overnight. thats what i tell myself an how i feel better.

If you had anything to say to anyone about anything what would say?
My house keeper gave me an exorcism once , an than begin to speak in aggressive spanish in most aggressive manor splashing water out of a vile on to my face , i laughed an she gave me a kiss and a big hug.... walking away to continue her effortless unproductive house keeping tasks returning into the garage , resuming her conversations with jesus christ while folding laundry..... true story.

What is and what means djent for you?
Djent is metal today… an its more than metal, metal used to be only heavy loud ugly rude violent, hairy music , djent is metal but it brings In every single other type of music as well flooding in the youth of our generation into this new online based never been done before movement… djent in my view is what music is today, its owned by the people an community not by the corporation an held slave to the US dollar , we are independent of everything mainly its interesting an we don't realize but what were doing right this minute will be nothing short of history being made an the world being changed from what were doing today.

Tell us something about your musical history.
My first band was a guns n roses cover band, second band was named 'metal marines' when i was in high school id just go into the musical practice rooms with my RR1 Jackson an play Children Of Bodom songs and do solo's all day with Max Gorelick thinking i was the coolest person ever to play a guitar. I've also only played 3 live shows in my life…. last show i played was when i was 16 and I'm 23 now.

Do you plan on staying behind closed doors an working only in the studio, or will you perform publicly?
I hate society at most hours through out the day more at night … worse than other days some days slightly less than others , but i will stay hidden in my studio unless offered to tour all summer long or something.

What's your purpose and what can we expect in the future from dharth?
I want to make music an have it simply because it makes me happy an i escape the bullshit life involves , I love the impact music has an has had on me an id love to turn that around an be able to impact others lives. great music changes lives , i remember listening to certain songs that shoot memories into my head of times of happiness or even sadness, the material things such as money, likes , tweets are needed of course to survive but irrelevant in reasons of why i play an make music. Music has been a way of life for me and the only thing in my life that results in something positive in regards of an outcome. the feelings il get from a song I'm listening to or the feelings of accomplishment when I've just completed something of difficulty is one of my only feelings i can wake up everyday to look forward to and the future for me is simple, which is to keep writing, listening, playing , recording an loving music an all those involved.

Who would you tour with if it could be possible?
Humanity's Last Breath, Vildhjarta, Shokran, Recalabrator, Disigma, Shades Of Black, The Jackals, Artifact Implication, Reg3n, Galatic Pegasus, Justin Lee, A Band That Gives Me Free Drugs, Thessa, The Dawn Is Your Enemy, Devoted To Your Monuments.

In general, what does music mean to you?
'Music is my only friend'.

Would you share some of your other interests outside of music? what else do you enjoy doing?
I have drive a black 1978 black chevy nova which breaks down a lot , I've put $10,000 into it , but to maintain it constantly is murder on my life, getting 10 mpg it runs out of gas with my girl friend in it resulting in nothing but bad energy....... , i live in my friends living room which i have converted into a studio, my everyday life consists of 24 hours a day attention, effort, time , blood , tears, an devotion to only music. i have dharth tattoo'd on my neck which is bitter sweet because of possible employers not wanting an employee to have dharth tattood on there neck, resulting in not having a job which allows me to write record create edit mix produce promote an everything else required all day all night, i have lived in Los Angeles my entire life an love everything about it, rehabs suck, i smoke marlboro reds, an love coca cola drinking it as often as possible, i am friends with every band / group i listen to an message all my favorite bands, guitar players and all my favorite people involved in our genre with none of them being over the age of 28, i created a cool group called underground djent studios which i have fun being apart of. sometimes i annoy my friends an message them stupid questions, i once hit a garbage truck in my Nova at 8 mph than telling the driver where i lived an to come an get me if he had a problem with me which 15 minutes later, led 3 sheriffs to my property unable to locate me after searching they left never to return or escalating the incident... i never again willl hit an run a 15 ton garbage truck an i will end this rant by saying thank you all for even reading this far down the page.

We appreciate your time and wish you the best, would you like to write some final words?
I want to say the support of the fans , messages i get on Facebook , the advise i get , the feedback the plays , likes . shares , listens and the amount of fun i have doing this is such a reward and beautiful feeling an i hope to get to know each an every one of you so i can personally meet an make a new friend an personally talk with you about what ever you want to talk about...any one can message me any time an thank you to Ivan for finding me an making my dreams come true... we will be closer friends as everyday passes.

Dharth en Facebook
