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abril 30, 2014

Noticia: Alan Rigdon abandona Erra

Alan Rigdon, fundador y ahora ex-guitarrista de ERRA, anunció su separación de la banda mediante su perfil privado de facebook, en el cual habla de ciertas diferencias con la banda, y que desde ya dejará la vida en los escenarios para dedicarse a su familia y a grabar música en su estudio StudySoundRecordings.

El comunicado es el siguiente:

It brings me much grief to inform you that I am no longer a member of Erra. Due to personal differences, I can no longer be a member of the band.

I've made many strides to accomplish what I did in my seven years of touring. I've had the privilege of seeing all 50 states and parts of Canada. I've written songs that were featured on an album that made it to the Top Billboard 200 and #1 on on the Heatseekers chart. I've been in music videos and maybe a few magazines but more importantly I've met the most amazing fans. None of that means anything or could have been possible without each fan I have or haven't met. My main goal in music from the beginning was to inspire people/musicians and I've done just that. Some of you have actually come up to me in person at a show and told me that. Your support was breathing life into my dream all along and was the only sustainable reason to do it.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you it was a cakewalk because I ate shit for a good while to get to this point. It was only until recently I've been reevaluating my life when I recently married the most incredible and supportive person. I became disconnected from all relationships within the band. I'm no saint and I definitely had a handful of problems that couldn't be fixed which were inevitable to meet my end in Erra. To the five people that had to deal with me, I am forever sorry. Your endless gratitude and tried friendships meant a lot but in the end we are just too different. It was fate that I joined Erra and it's fate that I'm now gone. Thank you so much, Erra, for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime that I will never forget. I'll miss it dearly. It breaks my heart that I won't get to be a part of the huge success that I know will take place in the band but it's not the end of the world for me.

I encourage all fans to keep supporting Erra in giving them a fighting chance to survive through these member changes and whatever else may come their way. I have no doubt that they will survive but just in case any of you liked what Adam, Garrison, and myself brought to the table in Erra, there are still two founding members that deserve your support.

I will continue to write and record music but not to tour or "make it big". I just want you guys to continue to hear what I have to offer the world musically. Expect some iTunes releases in the near future.
I also run StudySoundRecordings, a home studio, so if you would like to record with me, email me at studysoundrecordings@gmail.com for a quote.

I know that's the cliche thing to do when you part ways with a band but I feel that my mark in music is not yet finished.

I hope and urge you all to continue to support Erra and myself in our future endeavors. Thank you all so much, whole heartedly, for the support! Now if you'd excuse me, I have to put my big boy pants on and get a job.

Enlace al estado de Alan Rigdon